CASBA 500 miles 2024

Do 500 Miles in 2024

It’s time to get your walking, running shoes on or get on your bike once again for CASBA’s 500 miles challenge. Last year, people took on different challenges, from half marathons, bike rides the whole length of Birmingham doing 500

It’s time to get your walking, running shoes on or get on your bike once again for CASBA’s 500 miles challenge.

Last year, people took on different challenges, from half marathons, bike rides the whole length of Birmingham doing 500 miles walking in a month, or laps of Cannon Hill Park as part of the Wheel and Walk event. This year, we are hoping even more people will get involved.

Sid Peacock, who was our top fundraiser last year is doing another bike ride, but this time with his whole family and they’re riding from coast to coast across Devon over 3 days! You can sponsor Sid and his family here.

Stella Plisner, our champion fundraising Trustee, is doing two half marathons. She’s already completed the first one in a personal best, but she still has Birmingham to go. Last year, she and her family walked 500 miles between them. This year’s she’s running solo.

We will also be taking part in the Wheel and Walk in Cannon Hill Park on Saturday 2nd June. This is a super accessible event which we did for the first time last year. Ten charities will be taking part in a giant ‘walkathon’ through the park again this year to celebrate inclusion and raise money for people with disabilities. You can do as many laps of the park as you can manage and get sponsored for each one, or just for taking part.

You can do your challenge any time between now and the end of August. Decide what you want to do and set up a fundraising page on Just Giving, or ask us for a sponsorship form.

Make it challenging, so people will sponsor you, but also something fun that you would like to do. Get fitter, get more fresh air and raise money for CASBA this summer.