Photo of Jen being interviewed and a quote saying "Employers shouldn't treat us differently and no should those in job centres."

Disability Pride Month “A life like yours”

July is Disability Pride Month and this year’s theme is “a life like yours” It would be really good if we had a world where people with disabilities were accepted into employment and had the same rights as everyone else.

July is Disability Pride Month and this year’s theme is “a life like yours”

It would be really good if we had a world where people with disabilities were accepted into employment and had the same rights as everyone else. It shouldn’t be different anymore. Employers shouldn’t treat us differently and nor should those working in job centres.

When I got made redundant from my previous advocacy job due to funding, I went to see the disability advisor. He told me nobody would employ me because I am too disabled! That is the wrong attitude. I felt he wouldn’t have spoken to someone like that if they had no disability and it made me feel very upset.

I got a job again at the previous place and now I am in wonderful employment at CASBA.

So I want for me and others with disabilities to have a life like yours, for there to be no barriers for people with disabilities to get into employment, for us all to be equal and have the right to work.