General information
Dame Ellen Pinsent is a primary school on Ardencote Road in BillesleyHEAD TEACHER
The Head Teacher is Denise FountainNUMBER OF PUPILS & STAFF
It has 151 pupils and around 50 staff.TYPE OF PUPILS
It has pupils with a range of special educational needs, including autistic spectrum condition, speech and language difficulties and moderate to severe Learning Disabilities.AGE RANGE
The school has pupils from ages 5-11THE OLDEST
It is the oldest of the schools we’re working with.Early days
It was called Little Green Lane Mentally Defective School.
That name changed to Little Green Educationally Subnormal School.
There were 9 pupils when it opened, and the Head Teacher was Miss Florence Clay.
Ellen Pinsent
was the Chair of the special schools
sub-committee at Birmingham City Council from 1900-1913.
She came to the school very often during that time.
We can see records of what she did from the logbook.
Moving to Billesley
The name changed to The Dame Ellen Pinsent School in 1961. Dame Ellen’s daughter, Hester Adrian, attended the opening of the new school, along with the Lord Mayor of Birmingham and other important people.
It moved to Billesley, where it is now.
The school buildings there have changed a lot since it opened.
One was in the summer in 1996, but the second one meant that pupils had to study in other schools until the water damage was cleared up.
Boys and girls
Girls went to a different school aged 11 – Collingwood school in West Heath.
When Selly Oak school opened, both girls and boys went there from 11-19.
It is named “The Ellen Building“.
It has a computing room and cooking room. The classrooms are large and airy.
Dame Ellen’s legacy
They met Ellen’s great-grandson Randal Keynes.
Their vision statement says: