General information
There is a primary school and a secondary school on two different sites in the Lozells areaHEAD TEACHER
Simon Harris is the interim Head Teacher.NUMBER OF PUPILS & STAFF
Mayfield school has 280 pupils, who are supported by over 130 members of staffTYPE OF PUPILS
Their pupils have a range of learning disabilities.AGE RANGE
Their pupils are between the ages of 3 and 19CO-LOCATION & SHARED FACILITIES
The school shares a site with mainstream schools Holte Secondary and Lozells Primary.Early days
It had two sites in the Lozells area; Heathfield Road (primary) and Villa Street (secondary).
The primary school is still in the same place, but the secondary school moved to Wheeler Street in 2009.
Three schools share the site on Wheeler Street; Mayfield Secondary, Holte School and Lozells Primary.
The Secretary was Mrs Margaret Conlon. She was born in Heathfield Maternity Hospital.
The hospital used to be where the primary school is now.
There were 70 pupils when the school opened. In the early 1990s, there were 90 pupils.
Famous pupil
Abdirizak Hirsi
In 2013, one of their pupils, Abdirizak Hirsi,
won five episodes of daytime TV show Countdown.
The school’s motto was changed last year. It is now
“Better Never Ends”
This shows that the school will try to improve the experiences of students and their parents every day.
Before that, it was “Children, families, staff, community”.
The school’s logo also changed quite recently.